Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What Are 'Womens' Issues' Anyway?

I'd like to take these apart one by one in future blogs, but let me just say now that I am tired of the media and feminist establishment telling me what 'womens' issues are. They haven't got a clue what real women living in the real world care about.

I am against abortion. I do not feel that government-sponsored healthcare is the answer, but instead I believe that a free market is the only way to have affordable, quality healthcare. I care about the environment, but am not fond of the ethanol/bureaucracy complex and am not nearly gullible enough to swallow the global warming orthodoxy or to believe that recycling and wind power will solve any of our problems. I am a business owner and very concerned about anti-business tax policies--in other words, I want tax cuts for the 'rich'. I care about the strenth of the dollar. I want a strong national defense. I do not want equal pay for equivalent work. I want to weaken the strangle-hold that public education has on our children and our tax dollars.

I'm a woman so I guess that makes all these women's issues, doesn't it?


Anonymous said...

I'm curious why you're opposed to "equal pay for equivalent work." If I have two workers who do a similar task in the same number of hours, shouldn't I pay them the same thing? Or am I missing the point or displaying my naivete?

Susan Bowyer said...

The very reasonable concept of requiring employers not to discriminate among their employees because of their gender is not enough to satisfy the Left. They have realized for a while now that this isn't going to make women's income the same as men's, because women tend to have shorter career lives and, more importantly, tend not to go into high-stress and high-paying careers at the same rates as men. More men are doctors and engineers and high-finance bankers than women. Women tend to choose helping careers such as social services, nursing, teaching and administration, which overall pay less than the ones requiring intense competition or terminal degress.

So, they have evolved from wanting equal pay for equal work, and now demand something they deceptively call equal pay for equivalent work. This is code language for inviting the federal government to mandate that the pay for men and women even in different jobs be equal, based on a complicated calculation of the weight of their duties and responsibilities. The Pay Equity Act used this language:
"Equivalent jobs are those whose composite of skill, effort, responsibility, and working conditions are equivalent in value, even if the jobs are dissimilar."

You can see how disastrous this interference would be. Fertile ground for demagoguery and power-grabbing. End of freedom. Beginning of gender resentment and warfare in the public sphere. Stupid.

You can read about the Pay Equity Act here: Pay Equity Information. In this document they demonstrate what kinds of jobs will be considered equivalent: "There has been a variety of experiences with pay equity implementation. In a school district, elementary school head secretaries were compared to audiovisual technicians. In a hospital, registered nursing assistants were compared to plumbers. In a shoe factory, console operators/sample stitchers were compared to cutters. In a retail food chain, cashiers and meat wrappers were compared to stock clerks. In state and municipal governments, job evaluation systems have allowed comparisons to be made between many female- and male-dominated jobs. These have included comparing Clerk Typists and Custodians; Secretaries and Lab Technicians; Finance Clerks and Maintenance Workers; Emergency Services Operators and Fire Dispatchers; and Dining Hall Coordinators and Automotive Parts Technicians. Through collective bargaining negotiations, Social Workers in a large county received a pay adjustment after being compared to Parole Officers."

See how deceptive it is? Who can argue with 'equal pay for equivalent work'? But look deeper and it's really bad.

Susan Bowyer said...

Also, Eric, hi! Thanks for stopping by. I love your website, expecilly the first raving critic. (hehe)