Monday, September 1, 2008

Andrew Sullivan Thinks Women are Insulted by the Palin Nod

Here's what he wrote, if you care:

But I couldn’t disagree with him more. I’m tired of the Left telling me what my issues should be, and I am bemused by their claim that since she didn’t ‘climb the greasy pole of politics’ she’s somehow not a serious candidate. I think her not having tromped through that cesspool is one of the best things she has going for her.

This appointment isn’t just about gender—it’s about energy, which she can speak on with more authority than any of the others and which is front-and-center this election. It’s about reform, which is the true coin of which Obama’s empty ‘change’ slogan is just a cheap counterfeit, and which her amazing record has shown us is still possible. Dare we hope for Washington to be cleaned up like Alaska was? And yes, it’s about gender. It’s about recognizing (thank goodness that someone recognized at last) that the Left does not have the moral authority to tell ‘women’ what they should care about. Most of us are not pro-choice. We’re moms for goodness sake! And we start more small businesses than men, so we care a whole lot more about a healthy business environment than the Left or Washington in general, for that matter, would dare to think. We’re tired of being used as a front group for the Democrats. And since Obama chose to thumb his nose at women and tell us “we men will take care of things, girls, so don’t trouble your pretty little heads about your issues”, I think it is right and fitting that the R’s should be able to step in and give us the nod we’ve been expecting since 1984.

Palin resonates with me. I have hoped for this nomination ever since I first heard about her a few months ago, and I feel anything but insulted.

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