Saturday, September 6, 2008

Pit Bull with Lipstick

I don't know about you, but I like the image of women who are scary tough. My youngest Jack paid me a great compliment recently, without realizing it. He was acting up and getting wild as always, and I was talking to him about it wondering how on earth I'm ever going to rein in this indomitably male little dervish, when he said, "Mom, you're using your scary eyes. I hate when you do that." And he calmed down.

Ha! Scary eyes! Maybe if I live right, when I'm old I'll be one of those formidable, intimidating old ladies that everyone takes very seriously. I'll show them my soft side only when I want to.

Thanks, Sarah, for being such a charming and disarming pit bull! I love the idea of John McCain, the senior statesman, sending her out there to be an attack dog. She completely set Obama on his heels with that speech. I wonder if he'll ever recover?

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