Saturday, September 13, 2008

Charlie Gibson's Gaffe---by Krauthammer

Charles Krauthammer reveals Charlie Gibson's ignorance of the 'Bush Doctrine', with which he tried to intimidate Sarah Palin.

"...Yes, Sarah Palin didn't know what it is. But neither does Charlie Gibson. And at least she didn't pretend to know -- while he looked down his nose and over his glasses with weary disdain, sighing and "sounding like an impatient teacher," as the Times noted. In doing so, he captured perfectly the establishment snobbery and intellectual condescension that has characterized the chattering classes' reaction to the mother of five who presumes to play on their stage." Read the whole article.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Can a Mom Be a President?

Dave Barry has an opinion:

"....So I think it's time for the voters, Republicans and Democrats alike, to set this whole ''Mommy Wars'' issue aside and agree that what qualifies a person to be president of the United States is NOT that person's gender or domestic situation. What qualifies a person to be president of the United States is whether or not that person is my wife....." Read More.

Yes, women can do everything. I've always thought so. :-)

Pit Bull with Lipstick

I don't know about you, but I like the image of women who are scary tough. My youngest Jack paid me a great compliment recently, without realizing it. He was acting up and getting wild as always, and I was talking to him about it wondering how on earth I'm ever going to rein in this indomitably male little dervish, when he said, "Mom, you're using your scary eyes. I hate when you do that." And he calmed down.

Ha! Scary eyes! Maybe if I live right, when I'm old I'll be one of those formidable, intimidating old ladies that everyone takes very seriously. I'll show them my soft side only when I want to.

Thanks, Sarah, for being such a charming and disarming pit bull! I love the idea of John McCain, the senior statesman, sending her out there to be an attack dog. She completely set Obama on his heels with that speech. I wonder if he'll ever recover?

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Maggie Gallagher on Palin

"A New Kind of Political Woman"

"...What we need here is a new sexual archetype for female achievement. And in Gov. Palin, I think we have an extraordinary one: pioneer woman.
A pioneer woman is a traditional figure. She stands beside her man, not at war with him. She takes care of her home and her community. If her man is around, maybe she
lets him kill the bear. But if he falls, or fails, she picks up the rifle and gets the job done - whatever job needs to be done. ..." Read more.

Way to go Maggie!

Bowyer: Long Knives Out for Sarah Palin

Bowyer on Long Knives Out for Sarah Palin

by Jerry Bowyer, Kudlow & Co. Contributor
The angry left: Daily Kos, Atlantic Magazine; Maureen Dowd have their long knives (and claws) bared and ready for Alaska Governor and McCain V.P. pick, Sarah Palin. Faked pregnancies, hair criticism; breast pump references…ugly, ugly, ugly. They had plenty of practice slapping Hillary around, so it got nasty rather quickly. Apparently, beating up on a woman comes easier with practice.

Barack issued words of restraint to the army of left commentary that constitutes a kind of isolated-from-the-chain-of command militia for his campaign. That’s a gimme. He had no other options. However he blew it comparing his CAMPAIGN staff to Sarah’s mayoral staff. Dumb. He had to jump to her previous job in order to get his resume to surpass hers in experience. He has a campaign staff of 2,500 in his current job, he told CNN, while she ran a mayoral staff of 50. The problem is that she currently runs a state with a payroll of 15,000 state government employees. And state government is a far tougher management environment too: civil service and unions. I’m quite sure all of Barack’s employees are ‘at will’, so no lawsuits alleging improprieties every time you let someone go. Her employees make life and death decisions: arrest bad guys; fight floods; put out fires. His employees issue press releases; call donors; put up banners.

There’s a big difference between a Senator and a Governor. Senators go to Washington. They breathe DC air and drink in the DC mindset. They take a Chevy Suburban a couple of blocks down the street to enter a studio and be on a national talk show like Meet the Press. Governors are farther away, in Sarah’s case, much farther away, in fly-over territory. There’s a visibility gap.

There’s also an authority gap, in the other direction. Governors are more important than Senators: there are only 50 governors, but 100 Senators. It’s automatically a more elite position. Senators (like John Corzine) run for governor, generally, not the other way around. Senate is stepping stone to Governor; Governor is a stepping stone to President. Under normal circumstances he would be getting ready to run for her job, governor, in Illinois. Four of our last five presidents were governors; the fifth was the chief executive of the CIA.

Yes, Sarah is still in her first term as governor, but my friend, Larry Kudlow made a great point on CNBC this week about glass ceilings and experience. There’s no way you get women at the top if you make ‘experience’ the summum bonum of leadership. You need merit, not time-served to break racial and gender boundaries. Seniority is the oldest discriminatory trick in the book. When black workers started migrating north in the early 20th century, unions pushed the ‘seniority’ issue as a way of
protecting white workers from harder working black new entrants. Irish, blacks, Jews, women and other leadership newcomers have been barred using the ‘experience’ excuse from the very beginning. Liberals used to know things like this, but the now seem to suffer from some kind of mass amnesia. The voters, however, are not.

Well said, baby.

Why We Should Be Glad When Boys are Rebellious

Did you hear Fred Thompson's speech at the convention last night? He said this about John McCain:

"...Now, John's father was a bit of a rebel, too. In his first two semesters at the Naval Academy, he managed to earn 333 demerits. Unfortunately, John later saw that as a record to be beaten. A rebellious mother and a rebellious father - I guess you can see where this is going. In high school and the Naval Academy, he earned a reputation as a troublemaker. But as John points out, he wasn't just a troublemaker. He was the leader of the troublemakers. Although loaded with demerits like his father, John was principled even in rebellion. He never violated the honor code. However, in flight school in Pensacola, he did drive a Corvette and date a girl who worked in a bar as an exotic dancer under the name of Marie, the Flame of Florida. And the reason I'm telling you these things, is that, apparently, this mixture of rebellion and honor helped John McCain survive the next chapter of his life:..."

You all have heard something at least about McCain's heroism in Viet Nam, but if you're like me, you never heard many details, so read or watch Thompson's speech.

"That mixture of rebellion and honor" ---remember that the next time you want to dress your little boy up all nice and neat and part his hair on the side and make him sit still in class and just do what you say without question.

If you want heroic men, you need rebellious young men.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Palin Hits Too Close to Home

As our daughter Gracie remarked today, the Left are getting so very ugly in their sexist attacks against Palin because she has hit home. If only she were a pro-abortion Democrat, she'd be their political dream! She has everything they would want in a candidate and symbol of a woman's achievement, except, oops, she's conservative. They did this to Condie, too. They are not really pro-woman at all. They are pro-their-own-power, and won't hesitate to stoop to hateful, sexist mudslinging to get it and keep it.